Innoabilities Prosthetics CC
Ever Enabling
About Us
Welcome to Innoabilities Prosthetics CC
At Innoabilities Prosthetics CC, we specialize in the development and sales of advanced prosthetic devices to improve the lives of people with disabilities. Our current focus is on prosthetic arms, offering cutting-edge solutions that are affordable and practical for widespread adoption.
We are proud to partner with Innobionica, a Russian innovative startup that is developing prosthesis. In this partnership, Innoabilities Prosthetics provides financial and social capital support, alongside product distribution and public relations.
Myoelectric Forearm Prosthesis (Innoaby)
Body-Powered Prosthesis (InnoTyag)
Future Products
Innoaby – Myoelectric Forearm Prosthesis
A state-of-the-art prosthetic arm that leverages bio-signals for precise, proportional control. Features include:
Individual response to the user’s bio-signals.
Removable cosmetic shells for personalization
Demonstrational Video
– Body-Powered Forearm Prosthesis”
Designed for functionality in rural and off-grid areas, the InnoTyag offers:
No electronics, making it less hydrophobic and highly durable.
Lower cost, ensuring accessibility for underserved communities.
Easy-to-use design.
Features Shared by Both Devices
Comfortable fit
Relatively lower cost
Load capacity
Proportional speed control
Target users
After the prototypes above have been developed into products who will be able to use them?
During the first stage of sales the products will be build for below elbow arm amputees (also called forearm amputees) with the limb difference demonstrated in the images below.
A leading player in the industry
By blending affordability and innovation, we aim to empower individuals while contributing to a larger social entrepreneurship ecosystem for impactful startups.
Prototype Development
The products are being developed by our esteemed partner Inno-Bionica. Below are images of the prototypes during their creation:
The project prototype is developed based on the work “Brunel V2.0” by Open Bionics and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. We have modified the PCB 3D models and material types.
Open Bionics Labs Creative Commons License